Seven LakeSmart Ambassadors have volunteered to connect with Worthley Pond property owners by June 30th. They will provide each property owner with the results of the Watershed Survey (as it relates to the owner’s property) and ask the owner to complete the LakeSmart form. Please do everything you can to make your LakeSmart Ambassador feel welcome […]
FWP News
2017 WPA Scholarship
A 2017 WPA Scholarship will NOT be awarded this year because the membership dollars will be used to support the programs that help us preserve and protect Worthley Pond, i.e. LakeSmart and Courtesy Boat Inspections.
The 2016 Watershed Survey Results are in...
Many thanks to our Watershed Survey Volunteers!! Fran Byrd, Peter, Pat and Togue Brawn, Sherry and Dave Clement, Dave Davis, Jim Denholm, Jan Hooley, Gary Nash, Louise and Jim Schutt, Amanda Troxell, and Warren MacFawn. The 2016 Watershed Survey Report has a lot of pertinent information about what we, as Worthley Pond citizens, can do […]
WPA 2015 Scholarship Award
It is with pleasure that we announce Hannah Mailhot as the recipient of the 2015 Worthley Pond Scholarship. Hannah was one of eight applicants for this award. She is the granddaughter of Matt and Nancy Brooks of the Irish Farm Road. Upon graduation from high school in Epping, New Hampshire, Hannah will start her freshman […]