In 2016, the Friends of Worthley Pond and Ecological Instincts conducted a Worthley Pond Watershed Survey that included properties and roads on and around Worthley Pond.  The results were documented in a Watershed Survey Report, which has been analyzed by Bob Burke, FWP Director, and has been used to create a “plan of attack” for preserving and protecting the Worthley Pond Watershed.  Please consider this “work in progress” and, as such, may change over time.  But, for now, it is the plan.

In order to make the work doable, the FWP Board has agreed to addressing ten issues per year and will be working collaboratively with the FWP LakeSmart program, Worthley Pond property owners, the Town of Peru and the Maine DEP to make sure that progress is made.

Please bookmark this page if you are interested in learning more about the Watershed Protection Plan, as progress updates will appear here.  Additionally, here is the Site Tracker that the Friends of Worthley Pond is using to keep property owners aware of the Non-point Sources (i.e., pollution sources that originate from widely distributed and/or pervasive environmental elements) that we are trying to resolve.   As you can imagine, the work effort required to make progress on this plan is immense so if you have the time and are willing to help “move the needle,”  please contact Bob Burke.

And, lastly, if you’d like to learn more about watersheds and their impact to Maine lakes, ponds, and streams, please refer to the Watershed Management 101 series of articles published in the Friends of Worthley Pond News, November 2021 through February 2022.

Important Note:  Property owner and address have been removed from the Site Tracker to ensure that our watershed survey participant information remains confidential. If you were a 2016 Watershed Survey participant and would like to know the status of your NPS issue OR if you are a new property owner and want to know if any NPS issues are associated with your property, please contact Bob Burke.