The following Committees do the work of the Friends of Worthley Pond (FWP), but they depend on volunteers in many ways. Please connect with the contact person listed if you have the interest and time to help. Thanks!!
Contact: Tina West
Purpose: Provide information about the Friends of Worthley Pond, its water quality programs, and its events. Information is relayed via email (if the member has shared his/her email with the FWP) and the FWP website, Facebook page, and bulletin board (located by the Worthley Pond spring).
- Update the bulletin board
- Create and distribute the FWP newsletter once a month
- Update the FWP website and Facebook page, as necessary or as requested
How you can help:
- Please provide the FWP with your email address so that important communications (1) can more quickly be distributed AND (2) can be distributed without incurring the cost of a postage stamp.
- If there is other information that you’d like to see on the FWP newsletter, website, Facebook page, or bulletin board, please let Tina know.
Courtesy Boat Inspections
Contacts: Jim Denholm, Sherry Barstow
Purpose: Our sole purpose is to prevent invasive plants from getting in the lake. Click here for more information.
Activities: Inspect as many boats going into Worthley Pond as possible between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
How you can help: Make sure that your friends and family understand the importance of inspecting all boats BEFORE they are launched into the pond. If there is no inspector available (Monday-Thursday), the boat owner should do a thorough self-inspection to ensure that all plant life has been removed from the boat and trailer before launching.
The Fun Committee
Purpose: To bring the following fun events to the pond.
- Welcome Back Social: An easy, social gathering of those who live or summer at Worthley Pond, with attendance encouraged by offering free coffee, donut holes, and various baked goods. Want to help? Please contact Donna Stein.
- Around the Pond Yard Sale: An opportunity for those around the pond to clean house and get rid of the stuff they don’t need anymore. Want to help? Please contact Yueying and Bill LaFleur.
- Christmas in July: A time for families and friends to enjoy a “holiday weekend” by decorating their camps and boats, and joining (or watching) the boat parade on Saturday evening. Parade organizer needed!! Please email if interested.
- Honey Run Fun: A mid-week event that includes campground bingo, meal deals, a raffle, silent auction, and music by Dan McDonald and Eric Smerschal. Want to help? Please contact Roxanne Gorham.
Activities: Advertise each event on the FWP Facebook page, website, and bulletin board; and local newspaper (if appropriate).
How you can help: Pass the word to family and friends and encourage all to join in the fun. Please be in touch with the Committee contacts listed above for event-specific ways to help.
Golf Tournament
Contact: Donna Stein
Purpose: To have fun AND to raise money. The golf event is the largest fundraiser for the Friends of Worthley Pond. The proceeds from the event are used to keep our pond clean and free from invasive plants.
- Identify event sponsors, contact them, and collect their checks.
- Solicit and collect items for the event raffle.
- Organize teams and determine where to place them on the course.
- On the day of the event, welcome the players/teams, sell raffle tickets, man holes that offer prizes (i.e. hole in one, closest to the pin, etc.), announce raffle winners, man the grills, and serve lunch to all players.
- After the event, help with cleanup.
How you can help: VOLUNTEER!
- Hole Sponsor Sub-committee: Ask local businesses and/or people to “sponsor a hole,” i.e. donate money to support the event and, in return, get a bit of advertising; this is the largest source of income for the event.
- Set Up and Clean Up Sub-committee: Set up the evening before the event and clean up at the end of the event.
- Prize Sub-committee: Ask local businesses to donate prizes for the raffle. This is the most important committee because the more prizes we get, the better the golf tournament. We strive to get between 35 to 50 prizes.
- The Fun Sub-committee: On the day of the event, be available to cover certain holes and make sure that the participants are having a great time.
Invasive Plant Patrol
Contact: Charlie Day
Purpose: To monitor the plant life in Worthley Pond, identify plants as native or invasive, and alert the Lakes Stewards of Maine if an unusual or unknow plant is found in the pond. To date, Worthley Pond is the home of ZERO invasive plants and we’d like to keep it this way!
How you can help: Volunteer!! We need volunteers to survey a predefined section of the pond and alert Charlie if new or unusual plant life is found. So, if you enjoy paddling your canoe or kayak and want to ensure that invasive plants stay out of Worthley Pond, this role is just for you. Click here to learn more.
Contact: Dave Davis or Bill LaFleur
Purpose: Encourage all Worthley Pond landowners to manage and landscape their property to protect pond water quality by eliminating sources of polluted runoff, particularly soil erosion.
- Recruit 8-10 FWP members to contact landowners who have not yet initiated LakeSmart Plans
- Contact landowners with nonpoint source (NPS) sites from 2016 Watershed Survey and offer to assist them in alleviating polluted runoff by developing a LakeSmart Plan for their entire property
- Continue to promote LakeSmart Program in newsletter, bulletin board, website, Facebook , local news media and personal contact
Note: The LakeSmart program is voluntary but our goal is to get 100% participation.
How you can help: Spread the word!! Let your neighbors and friends know how important this program is to preserve Worthley Pond’s water quality and encourage them to sign up for a LakeSmart review. Our goal is to have 100% of shoreline properties LakeSmart certified!
Contact: Gayle Maddox
Purpose: To track Friends of Worthley Pond annual membership donations, write thank-you notes, and keep the FWP Directory as accurate as possible.
How you can help: Renew your membership annually and encourage any neighbors who are not yet members to join by accessing the Membership page on the Friends of Worthley Pond website.
Water Shed Protection Plan
Contact: Bob Burke
Purpose: In 2016, a Water Shed Study was conducted and a comprehensive report of those areas that need focus to ensure that Worthley Pond remains clear and clean well into the future was produced. Using this report as a guide, this committee will create a plan to address 2-3 recommendations provided by the report per year.
- Create annual plan to address the recommendations provided by the report
- Identify who needs to be involved and invite them to be part of the solution
- Determine plan funding options
- Implement recommended changes
How you can help:
- Let us know if you would like to be involved in this important work and we’ll let you know where help is needed.
- If you own property that was identified in the Water Shed Study Report as needing improvements in order to support our goal of keeping Worthley Pond clear and clean, you should have received a letter in June of 2020, requesting an update on any progress that you’ve made in resolving the noted issue and/or asking you to let us know if you need any help. Please forward all progress reports and/or requests for help to Bob Burke.
- If you have a LakeSmart plan that you are trying to fulfill but need help, please contact Dave Davis.
FWP Online Store
Contact: Annette Nash
Purpose: To provide an easy way for people to order FWP gear and gifts.
- Set up Online Store
- Determine what items will be sold
- Communicate availability of Online Store
How you can help: Browse through the store, order gear and gifts, and let us know if there are additional items that you’d like to see added to the store.