The Friends of Worthley Pond is able to protect and preserve the beauty and health of its great pond, thanks to the generosity of its members AND sponsors.

Sponsors support the following Friends of Worthley Pond programs and activities:

  • Annual lake water testing and monitoring
  • Invasive plant patrol
  • Courtesy boat inspections
  • LakeSmart

Interested in becoming a new 2025 sponsor OR renewing your 2024 sponsorship?

The Friends of Worthley Pond seeks sponsorships from civic minded businesses and individuals to ensure that its water quality programs and services can be funded.

Why give?  The preservation of Worthley Pond is not only important to its 200+ property owners, but it is also vital to all local businesses because any type of milfoil infestation or decline in water quality would likely reduce property values, dissuade prospective buyers from investing in Worthley Pond properties and, ultimately, reduce the amount of money spent in local businesses.

How much?  Please know that FWP sponsorships are valued, regardless of the amount. But, for your information, here are the sponsorship levels that seem to make the most sense for the Friends of Worthley Pond.  If you’d prefer to do something differently, please just let us know by emailing

Did you know?  The Friends of Worthley Pond is a 501(c)3 organization (i.e. non-profit) so any donation to the FWP is tax deductible.  Its EIN is 82-3869456.

I’m interested. How do I sign up or renew my sponsorship?  It’s simple. Just complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Many thanks to our 2025 sponsors!!

Invasive Plant Patrol Sponsors ($1000 minimum)

  • No one yet . . . please let us know if you’d like to be a lead sponsor for this event!!

LakeSmart Sponsors ($500 minimum)

Courtesy Boat Inspection Sponsors ($250 minimum)

  • John and Erin Kirvicky

Hole Sponsors ($100 minimum)

  • Anne Stein
  • Arlene and Chuck Ward
  • Fred Milligan, In Memory of
  • Hebert Reality Group, Rumford
  • Sherry Barstow

New Sponsorship or Sponsorship Renewal Request