Friends of Worthley Pond, Inc sponsors an annual $500 scholarship to be awarded to an eligible student.

Applicant Qualifications

  • Must be a high school senior who has been accepted by and is planning to attend a postsecondary school in 2025-2026 OR an undergraduate student who is planning to continue their postsecondary academic work in 2025-2026
  • Must be in good academic standing, i.e., has a cumulative (overall) and current (most recent academic term) grade point average of 2.0 or better
  • Must be under 25 years of age
  • Must reside, work, or have family that resides or summers at Worthley Pond

Additional consideration will be given to candidates who have a demonstrated record of active environmental paid or volunteer work at Worthley Pond, particularly activities contributing to the welfare and/or conservation of the Pond.

Submission Requirements

Applicants must submit the Friends of Worthley Pond Scholarship Application, which includes a 250 word essay outlining their interest in environmental issues; their notable academic work in environmental or other relevant areas of science; and the importance of their work efforts with any organizations promoting conservation and/or environmental awareness by May 31st.

Selection Process

The Scholarship Committee will review all submissions, confirm paid/volunteer environmental work (if applicable), and obtain proof of postsecondary school acceptance, enrollment, and academic status prior to presenting the winner to the FWP Board by July 1st.

Scholarship Committee

Annette Caron Nash, Tina West, Jeremy Gray, Sherry Barstow

Questions?  Please contact Annette Caron Nash